ABOUT US > History


COCERAL was founded in 1958 following the signing of the Treaty of Rome which led to the creation of the European Economic Community. Its founders, several personalities from the European Cereals Trade: Mr. Fernand Belpaire, Belgium and Luxembourg (first COCERAL President) - Mr Roger Joffet, France - Mr. Ricardo Rusconi, Italy- Mr. Hendriks, the Netherlands and Mr. Alfred C. Toepfer from Germany met in Antwerp on the 8 June 1958 very aware of the need to establish a committee to represent the traders interests. A committee was formed representing the cereals and feedstuffs traders called COCERAL - a section of the now dissolved "Union Européenne des Grains".

COCERAL enlarged as an organisation in parallel to the development of the European Community from six to nine member countries in 1973, to ten in 1981, to twelve in 1985, to fifteen in 1995 and to twenty five in 2004. Trade organisations of non-EU member countries adhered to COCERAL as associate members. Moreover the European association Unistock Europe - representing agribulk storers, is a full member of COCERAL and has now its Secretariat located at the Coceral premises.

In 1997 two associations: ANGO -"Association du Négoce des Graines Oléagineuses, Huiles et Graisses Animales et Végétales et leurs Dérivés de la Communauté Economique Européenne" - representing oilseeds, olive oil, oils and fats traders and UCEPPCE - "Union du Commerce des Engrais et Produits Phytosanitaires de la Communauté Européenne" - representing the agrosupply trade, joined COCERAL. This new structure corresponds to new trends in Commission policy.

In 2003 Euromalt representing the European malting industry, moved their Secretariat to the COCERAL premises to form closer links with other actors in the grain business and related supply chain. This move again mirrors changes in the European landscape with the need to form closer synergies to become a bigger force on the Brussels scene.

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